This candy bar is called Boost. Sometimes, Glucose Boost. It is advertised with the tag line that it is "Charged With Glucose." Because why bother try to spin the product as something else, some chocolatey goodness, when you can just tell people it's full of glucose? I think I need a boost of glucose right now.
I don't know if you know this, but there are no majors and minors in the UK. You have a course of study instead. And school means just elementary, middle, and high, but not university. And Colleges, well, that's something else, too. Today, trying to learn the subtle differences between degree, course, and classes, we had this enlightening conversation:
Moi: So what's the difference between a course and degree? (Since they both sound like majors to me.)
Hannah: Well, a degree is like divinity. And a course is ethics.
Moi: Yeah, I have no idea what that means.
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