Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Parent Trap

Remember when Lindsay Lohan was a little girl? That was nice.

(Talking to my parents on the phone.)
Mom: Do you need me to send you anything?

Moi: No, don't worry about it. I have no room left in my luggage.

Dad: You know your mom is just saying that out of obligation. She had no intentions of sending you anything.

Moi: Yeah, I pretty much figured.

Mom: I totally wasn't asking to be nice! I don't do that. I only send care packages if she asks for them.

And that, is how my parents say "I love you, Child."

By the by, a deep-fried Snickers bar tastes far better than a fried Mars bar. Will never allow tongue to touch such inferior fried products as a battered Mars bar again. Will instead give up idea that deep fried candy bars are horrendously unhealthy and indulge in as many Snickers bars as possible before the end of May. Though one tastes better than the other, it must be said that both pretty much look like fried turd. Fried delicious turd, that is.


mon said...

i ate one bite of a fried snickers bar once and it was too much. have you had fried oreos or fried twinkies? they have those at the rodeo, too. and they're on a stick!

Dusty said...

you should move to the midwest. We deep fry everything at our state fair. Candybars, Moon pies, Oreos. If we can batter it and throw it in a vat of grease, someone will eat it!



PopePotsie said...

Dusty! I thought you had ditched xangas and blogs to forge genuine relationships offline. So good to hear from you, my internet friend. And er, you too, Mon, whatever.

Your fried Oreos intrigue me. I wish they had more Oreos here. They're hard to find. But I've never had a twinkie, ever. And fried Moon Pies just remind me of Whoopie Pies, and reminds me of my faux New England superiority ways.

Do y'all have deep fried pizza? That's one thing here I haven't tried yet. Oh, man, I miss good ol' fashioned fried dough. Funnel cake. and Churros. I hate fairs, but sure love their food.