Sunday, April 16, 2006

Get Shorty

My favorite Sunday School song of all time would have to be the Zacchaeus song. Yesterday, straining to see over the crowds at Princes Street Gardens for a view of the Easter play, I mentioned this to Alan. I started the first few words of the song,

Zacchaeus was a

and he continued,

really little man, and a really little man was he-

Whoa. Hold a minute, I told him. A really little man? We always called him a wee little man.

And Alan replied, wee little man? But he's a really little man. That's right. All those kids in VBS and other church camps in the States are out-Scottishing the Northern Irish, and maybe all of the UK (I'm not sure yet,will have to ask around).

The play, a joint effort of many Eddie Bert churches, started at 2:30 PM. Thanks to the genius of the British railway systems, my train was delayed and I couldn't get to the park until an hour after the play had started. Not wanting to show up only to see the last few minutes, I asked Alan for the play's progress as I was leaving the train.

Moi: Has Jesus risen yet?
Alan: No, he's not even arrested yet.
Moi: Not arrested?! What have they been doing for the past hour? It's the Easter story for God's sake.

Apparently, they were going over stories like Zacchaeus.

Zacchaeus was a wee little man
and a wee little man was he
He climbed onto a sycamore tree
because Jesus he wanted to see.

PS. I'd like to take this opportunity to give a special shout out to Jenny's dad and his awesome middle name.

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