1. Wicker furniture.
3. When the library book I need is on the bottom shelf.
2. Cuticles that won't rip.
Three Likes:
2. Good customer service. Like the guy in the bookstore today. And the lady at the consulate. And the lady in the post office. All around, a very good day for customer relations.
3. Waterproof things in the rain.
1. Paprika.
Favorite images of the day:
3. A little math exercise as you drive.

2. I've heard kids from London talk about these signs, but didn't see one for myself until today. These are life savers. If only I had noticed them two months ago.

1. Next to the Stitch Master, this is my favorite sign in the City.

You know how Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was a 'trilogy' in five parts? Well, so is this.
Because the city is so old, throughout its history, Eddie Bert has accumulated a lot of important people to commemorate. There's a statue of a dead-but-always-with-us guy every few blocks. Take this one, for example. King George IV. Why is he so important? Because he visited Scotland. That's what the statue says.

I know I looked like a stalker snapping a picture of a big group fo children but I just couldn't resist. Children in matching raincoats in the snow, y'all, how can anyone resist?

You know how sometimes teachers make stupid mistakes and you catch them and they say that they were just testing to see if anyone was paying any attention even though everyone knows that that's not true and everyone has heard the line used forty bajillion times before? Well, I was just testing if y'all were paying attention with the golf course post... Good eye, Lucy, good eye. I'm pleased to be schooled on Edinburgh.
Those signs save my life daily! Are you still coming to London the first week in April? Let me know!
errr, that looks like rain to me
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