The other Melinda... er, last we saw of her she was hitch hiking to Aberdeenshire. No one knows if she's made it.
Wow, that was a really dark lie. But that's ok, because the other Melinda is sweet and that more than makes up for it.
Last night, went to a wondrous little restaurant that specializes in seafood called Sweet Melinda's. On Tuesday nights there, you pay whatever you think the meal was worth. Or, if you're like me, you pay slightly less than what you thought the meal was worth because you're a starving student who can't really afford luxuries like protein-rich foods. That's right, have a fancy dinner then pay however much you want. Oh, it was delicious. And the food was good to boot.
At this part of the story, people like to interrupt me with lots of questions, like how much is the food normally worth, how do they make their money, why would they want to do that, do they ever get ripped off, how much do people normally pay, and how much I paid. Patience, young one. The entrees are normally 12-14 pounds. (I've been in this country for a few months now and still haven't figured out how to do the pound sign on my keyboard. Or, rather, I know how I could do it, but I'm too lazy to, so I just type out the word 'pound' every single time.) So that's around $20. Then there are appetizers and desserts. And man, were they good. Yes, once in awhile a few college kids rip them off but mostly people pay about the same amount, or even over pay out of guilt and because they're not sure about prices. Plus, I'm pretty sure Sweet Melinda's makes a pretty sweet living the other nights of the week. It's a small restaurant and almost always packed, and for good reasons, too.

Check out the question mark next to the total. That's 'cause we got to call the shots, yo.
And a shot of the most beautiful check in the world. Note how we took full advantage of the situation, helping ourselves to three beautiful courses- all of us except Jamilah. She wimped out on dessert.
(PS. This picture of the check only turned out so well because Vita-L schooled me on how to take a picture of it and insisted that I stand up tall then zoom on it. PPS. In case you were concerned for the good people at Sweet Melinda, no, we did not stiff them. Their business is thriving and all of their kids can afford to go to college.)
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