Saturday, March 18, 2006

Love Hurts

I love my mom. We're tight. But we're not best friends. Tonight, we had one of those rare occasions where we talked about relationships. It was a great reminder of why we don't do it more often...

(Mother mentions someone's daughter who studied abroad in England for the year and met a guy who she later married.)

Moi: Really? That's wonderful. But that's also so complicated. I don't want to meet a guy here and have to deal with going back and the distance. I don't think I'd want to meet someone here.

Mother: I just don't want you to meet someone in Britain who tricks you into bringing him back to the States and then kills you once in America or something.

Moi: Yes, that really would be the worst scenario.

Mother: That'd just be trouble.

1 comment:

mon said...

i think you should go back to the motherland and get yourself a mail-order groom. or wait, i guess it wouldn't really be mail-order, huh?