Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Murder Hall

Not going to lie. I'm pretty proud of that title.

Remember how we beat the subject of awkwardity to death? Well, we're going to do the same thing with the idea that life is cruel here. Because it is. In the archaeology building, the handicap bathroom and the women's bathroom are both tucked away in a corner on the first floor (don't even get me started on why the two are lumped together, and why the men's bathroom is on the 2nd floor). To get to the bathrooms, one has to go down a hallway and open a door which opens to an immediate and short ramp that leads to a wall. The handicap bathroom is immediately to the right, with its door being perpendicular to the wall. But it's unlikely that anyone would be able to reach the door. If one was in a wheelchair coming out of the first door, death or severe injury are the more likely outcomes. Who the freak designs a sudden ramp for the handicap bathroom that goes straight down to a concrete wall!? And no one bothered with a sign that said, "Beware of Lethal Ramp." No. It's just there, a death trap waiting for some poor soul that really has to go. We just don't know where they'll end up...

PS. Someone in the post office (that doubles as a stationary store and pharmacy) recognized me today! He remembered me from the Slam. I don't think I've ever been recognized. Not in a good way at least. Well, we're not really counting the Bo' because with 1600 kids, we all recognize each other, so it's not all that exciting.

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