Sunday, January 29, 2006

You Say Potatoes

People of Great Britain:
Oy with the potatoes already. For the love of God, please move on to a different type of starch.
It's not that you don't make them wonderfully. They taste delicious- especially the roasted ones today, so much better than the ones I had with the host family last week. Really, Church Lady I Don't Know, your potatoes were spectacular. But maybe you could try something different next time? Even sweet potatoes would be nice. (Really missing Thorne's sweet potato fries right now...) And I know, even at home, we eat loads of potatoes lots of different ways, but People of Great Britain, I fear you've taken this to an extreme. Such reliance on one crop is just not healthy. Has the plague taught you nothing? Must we have it at every single meal we partake? You're not strict about any other laws of the land (certainly not the littering and smoking ones), so honestly, what's it with the potatoes? I know, I know, I cook for myself and only eat potatoes when you people so kindly offer to cook for me, so really, I should be more grateful, but everywhere I go, every home, every restaurant, every cafe, every potluck, it's just potatoes, potatoes, potatoes. The smell is creeping into my clothes, I believe, even more so than the smoke. So hear my plea, People of Great Britain: eat some squash instead. Squash is cool.

Peace, and

I Don't Want To Be A Potato Head

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