Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Harrison's Big Break

Fine. You won't talk about them Pringles. We'll get to them later, we will. In the mean time, People of Scotland, as I like to call them, aren't very good at graffiti. Honestly, I can do better tags than these. And I go to school in Maine.

And now onto this again, toilets. Scottish people are just very weird with their toilets. Case in point:

Why is it a three-part contraption? Is that not one of the more complicated toilets you've seen? And not complicated in the Japanese-modern sort of way where it squirts water and plays songs and has self-disposable covers. No. This is just a plain toilet that comes in many forms. And that extra ridge? I don't know what's up with that either. And who is that handicap railing supposed to help all the way tucked behind two obstacles? But if thinking about all this stresses you out to much, that's ok. There's a cushion you can lean your upper back against to rest your weary body and mind. All together now: What were they thinking!?

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