I love them, but there are entirely too many Sarahs in my life, especially on Wednesdays. That's when I go from having classes with my favorite Sarah (Vita-K) to lunch to working for 2 Sarahs, to meeting then dinner with Sara, with food served by a Sarah, to review session and studying again, with Sarah. It's a little intense.
Sometimes though, I don't think the world gets enough Sarah. Especially Mounty. The world is not big enough for her embarassments. When she's not re-enacting getting her hair tangling with the long board, or wrestling pigs, she recounts humiliating stories from her childhood. Here is a story all about warm fuzzies. It all starts with an itching five year old Sarah, riding in the car, being driven home from kindergarten. Her mom noticed the itching and asked young Sarah what was wrong. A caterpillar was crawling from her arm, that's what was wrong. Well, her mother suggested, just roll down the window and throw it out. Sarah followed suit but moments later, was itching and scratching again. There was apparently another caterpillar. Intrigued, Mama Mounty pulled over and adjusted Sarah's sweater, only to discover her body was teeming with caterpillars. Entire upper body encased in crawling caterpillars hidden under her sweater. How did this freakazoid event happen? Well, you see, Sarah likes the way caterpillars feel on her body, all soft and squirmy. So young Sarah befriended many a caterpillar ('there were at least forty,' claims Mama Mounty), except she couldn't find the cute ones (if you believe there's sucha thing), no. Young Mounty pretty much pried open one of those nasty webs of mothy caterpillars that hang dead from trees (and only looks cool when they're being torched) and carefully applied them to her body, forming a gentle cocoon of writhing caterpillars on her small frame. Because she "liked nature." And yes, she did develop a terrible rash as a result.
My childhood pales in comparison. It was far too sensible and common sensical and filled with appropriate understandings of how one should interact with the insect world. We all need a little more Sarah in our lives.
1 comment:
i h8 caterpillars.
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