This was a scene that was played many times throughout dinner. We'd be sitting down, quietly eating our chicken piccata pasta (sometimes, leftovers taste better than the main course), and somebody would slump their black tray down and join us (because let's face it, any time I'm at is the cool table), we'd all nod in acknowledgement, and Shaez would say, "Man, you look stressed. Are you stressing out lately?" Because Shaez has no qualms with telling people they look bad, even when they don't feel bad.
Here are some common indicators that your life is depressing and that you are indeed, a science student:
... you log onto the computer in the science library and discover you were the last person to have logged on. As in- the rest of campus had better things to do than use the science library during all that time, but not you.
... when your birthday dinner has to be scheduled a week after your birthday because everyone, yourself included, is too busy with midterms to go out and celebrate. (Not me, folks, somebody else. And I expect presents when my day comes.)
... when kids stare at you then shake their heads smiling when they hear you discussing homework problems in the library lobby because what you're saying just sounds way too ridiculous. Alpha-1-phophate-galactose? What? Where does the UTP come in? Is it energetically unfavorable for the D-glucose to convert to D-galactose? What!?
A'ight. I've ignored my papers, homework assignments, lab report, and problem set all due tomorrow for long enough. I'm off.
Haha, have fun, Science Student, while I bask in the joys of...learning an Asian language?
Tomorrow I have to give a presentation on Power Point about the history of some local shop. What?
Okay, well, I am looking forward to reading future posts about Bowdoin. I miss it! I was just sitting here wondering what to do instead of memorizing my speech for tomorrow, having just come back from a mandatory three-hour performance of Noh theatre (you know that genre of traditional Japanese theatre where they don't say words but instead emit gastrointestinal-sounding sounds, bang drums and screech without rhythm, and move across the stage like snails because it's "beautiful?" That.). And suddenly I remembered that you had this funny - erm...mildly amusing - journal. I am very excited to read your daily posts. Pictures of Walty requested but not demanded.
Love Susan P.S. Thanks for the facebook messages. I'm glad my short post on yours opened the long-withheld flood of Love for Susan. Just let it out.
You will get a postcard sometime...this semester...ish. No actually, I promise you will.
Godspeed Peace Love and Joy (CORNY!! but loveable)
Hey, I love Noh theatre! Growing up, those gutteral sounds were sounds I fell to gentle sleep with. Way to be sensitive to my culture... (what is Noh theatre again?) And er, did you not see the picture of Walty at the bottom of the page? Who else would that be for?
I just read up on your site, which takes sometime! Finally saw that you had infact seen my comment. Which makes my heart smile!
I hope things are going well, and be gentle with us Sociology folk...I would have known that it was not degrees!
Stats is fun right now...
And assface is so much more appropriate than jack ass, I guess...
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