Sunday, October 16, 2005

Let's Eat

Father is many things- ice cream and baseball aficianado, ping pong player, pastor to many- but he is not quick-witted. Father speaks slowly with many pauses. (Much like Walty.) Last week, Father attended an Alliance Prayer Meeting of many area churches and was called upon to pray in Chinese. It was a multi-lingual service and congregants from many churches were joined together to pray and worship in their own styles and tongues. Father started praying, then characteristically paused to search for a word. Unfortunately, the majority of those in attendance did not speak Chinese and assumed he was done. He was done cut off and Amen'ed.

Oh, the shock and confusion it brought to all the Chinese-speakers in attendance. And the appreciative looks of everyone else, assuming they'd just agreed with a beautiful prayer. Classic. And now I've decided to cut off everyone I find too long-winded with an abrupt, 'Amen,' dismissed. Let's move on.

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