Sunday, October 23, 2005

Can't Touch This

Dear Couple In Front Of Me And Couple Thrashing Around Behind Me During the Concert:

Please. Stop making out. It is disgusting and y'all aren't even attractive. You're sweaty. She's sweaty. You're pale. She's pale. You're grossing me out. And she's grossing me out. The group is absolutely rockin' on stage and I paid good money to push my way up front, so please, no more of this next time, ok?

Went to Jurassic 5 concert tonight on campus and had an awesome time jumping and waving and pretending I knew their songs (I recognized two!). Sure, I felt like Zacchaeus for half the night, craning my neck to see the group, but when I did see them it was all cool. They had nice heads. It's moments like that glancing around to see a sea of guys in khakis and collared shirts nodding their heads to the beat that makes me love the Bo', and by 'love,' I mean sigh at the New England-ness of my school. I did fall in love with Danielle tonight though, the way she yelled at people for making out and trying to get past us and touching her was awesome, repeatedly saying, "No, see this? My space, ok? You don't touch this."

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