Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Prof of The Hip

Other kids have good relationships with their advisors, relationships built on mutual respect and interest for a particular subject. So I needed to see the Band Man about a paper today...

Band Man: What up!?

Moi: 'What up?' What? Not much? ... What up wid you?

Band Man: Just chilling.

Moi: This is why kids think you're a cool professor, 'cause you talk like that?

Band: Yeah, I use this newfangled language you crazy kids use.


Band Man: And there's a book I'll bring up in lecture later in the semester. Let me just find it.

Moi: Yay. Can't wait.

Band Man: I know. My lectures are so exciting.

1 comment:

Dusty said...

Xanga is better...blogger is kind of lame!