Saturday, January 08, 2011

Case Logic

frm Amy (not to be confused with me) was in town for a few glorious weeks and both of us got to have dinner with Prof Riles. She gave both of us presents and paid for dinner when really, the three of us eating dinner together was a present enough. If I ever have a daytime show in which I gave out my favorite things, this pencil case present will certainly be among the goods.

Last night, I dreamt that I was debating whether to go to a party at home of one of the Band Man's friends. We were all invited but the only people I'd know there would have been the Bands. I remember debating the fun vs. awkwardity of the situations (seems like a no-brainer in retrospect). And suddenly, we were at my gmom's funeral (and Eve found a squatter toilet but used it incorrectly). The imagination (and penchant for weird) of my unconscious scares me.
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