Monday, December 10, 2007

Tumble-Down, Work-a-Day

For months, working life was a breeze. I went to the office. Did some menial tasks. Got home at a reasonable hour. Worked out. Cooked dinner and lunch. Watched TV or hung out with friends. Rinse and repeat.

In recent weeks, however, things have been turned upside down. Work is kicking my butt. The weather is, too. Family things keep coming up. And I've pretty much packed on all the holiday weight that I would ever need for the next decade or so. I know that things come in waves and this, too, shall pass. But it's been a hectic few weeks and things don't look like they'll let up. I've even started working late and bringing stuff home. (Turns out, I have a work ethic- who knew?)

But I don't mind being beat up because I sort of like work. Last week, Doc Whitecastle shared that for one of the studies I'm minimally helping him on (we're giving some people free medication after they have heart attacks, how awesome is that!?), two patients have called in tears to thank the study. That's pretty cool. I don't mind giving up celebrity gossip and facebook stalking for that. Of course, when the work dies down again, I wouldn't mind going back to stalking and gossip, either. And I'll be right back here to tell you all about it. G'night.

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