Yesterday, I received a Facebook friend request from someone who told me that we hadn't seen each other "in 25 years." I'm used to getting random requests because I'm a very popular person (much more popular than Ted can ever hope to be) but it stopped me in my tracks to realize that such people can now exist in my life- people I hadn't seen for 25 years- because I have lived a very long life.
All this was reinforced last night (as it often has been lately), when Victoria, Ted, and I hung out with Jamie and spent hours learning about Snapchat. We didn't intend to learn Snapchat. We intended to steal Jamie's phone for nefarious purposes (after a certain point of fatigue, we are all 12 years old). But we quickly realized that we didn't really know how to use his phone for nefarious purposes because Snapchat was beyond our comprehension. Even a Facebook hack proved difficult for Victoria- she slowly typed out a status post as Jamie patiently waited, then taught her how to tag herself in the post. The education wasn't purely one way though. Earlier in the evening, a bunch of us nostalgia-watched Face/Off (doesn't hold up well- which makes it all the more fun to see) and tried to teach Jamie about floppy discs and other memories from our childhood. Unfortunately, he was incredibly resistant to the lessons though and instead, Snapchatted his way through the movie. Kids these days. They're not as respectful as they were 25 years ago.