Monday, March 30, 2015

The Ice Kool-aid

It didn't feel like it while I was at the Bo', but every time I compare college experiences lately, I become more convinced that I attended a very special bubble.  And possibly a cult.

Tonight, I got a phone call from the students working for alumni giving and had a perfectly nice chat with him about the weather, living in B'more (where he's from), and visiting Maine after I promised I'd contribute to the fund later this week.  As I was talking to him, I was reminded of all my non-Bo friends' stories of evading alumni giving, never donating money, and being hounded by calls.  But at the same time, I was also reminded of all my friends who had those evening shifts making calls, and their stories of the wonderful people they talked to, and of all of us now being the kind alumni who chat with the students, and I can't help but be friendly and protective toward these kids.

Moi: Sometimes, I feel suckered into something.  But all my other [Bo'] friends love school so much and are so into it, that I feel pressured to also be nice to the school and love it.  Wait, that sounds like a cult, no?

Lisa: That's exactly what a cult is.

Our Common Ground

Over an interview/catch up session with Doc Nice last week, I asked for his restaurant recommendations and things quickly devolved down traditional lines.  

Nice: There is a Chinese restaurant in town.

Moi: Is it any good though?  Would you bring your family there on Christmas?

Nice: No, not at all.

Moi: Say, the fact that I made a comment about you eating Chinese food on Christmas- that's not going to show up in any HR file, is it?

Nice: It would if it wasn't so true.  We left Denver- a beautiful city- because the movie theaters and Chinese restaurants were all closed on Christmas.

Moi: As someone who celebrates Christmas, even I'm offended by that.  We like Jesus but also eat Chinese food and watch movies on Christmas.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Proven Perspectives

This week, our small group has been embroiled in a debate over ice cream cake superiority that boils down to the brands we were exposed to as children (and, we would like to think, our refined palate and sense of right and wrong).  It was a reminder of the differences that divide us as a country between the West Coast and the East (Beast!) Coast.  The same sharp divide came up again during a phone interview on Monday with researchers in LA:

LA: You guys have had a rough winter with the cold-  

Moi: Oh, it's not half as Boston.  And it's beautiful today.  It'll hit 50 degrees!

LA: [silence of pity]

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Sweet Sorrows

It's not a visit from Mother without some questionable logic:

(takes a bite of a brownie)

Mother: It's so sweet!

Moi: You are eating a brownie [at 7:00am].  What did you expect?

Mother: Sometimes they half the sugar the recipe calls for. 

Who are they?  Why do they make brownies if they want to half the sugar?  I may have a PhD*, but there are so many things I still don't have answers to.

*can't wait to make hundreds of obnoxious statements that start with "I may have a PhD!" 

Play On

I successfully defended my doctoral dissertation yesterday (whoa, those are fun words to type).  It was, all in all, a very characteristic day of friend hilarity and mishaps, complete with AV not showing up, the department coordinator being out of the office, and running through the support staff offices last minute, finding a coordinator who borrowed a laptop from someone else's office, a last minute phone call to get that person's log-in info, and just the right dose of drama I needed to not have time to hyperventilate prior to my presentation.  

In the Christian/self help circles, people like to speak of their "love language."  Usually, they're along the lines of gifts, physical touch, or words of encouragement, but I strongly believe in mockery as a love language.  It was all very confusing then, when everyone was so nice to me yesterday.

My ceaselessly encouraging cohort was there, of course, but beyond that, C Money from Bowdoin!, kids from other cohorts, and a slew of small group (Jesus) friends showed up, complete with posters.  Of course, Lisa  and Crystal made it very clear at dinner that the kindness would expire at midnight when we debriefed over dinner my mom made (mom also super nice yesterday.  should consider graduating more often).

Moi: [to Lisa] So we're even now?  You did so many things for me today (from making cookies to a giant poster and even a special pin).

Lisa: Mm hmm.  You can't make fun of me anymore.

Moi: [turn to Crystal]  Sorry, I guess I have to focus all my bullying on you.

Crystal: But I brought fruit tart!  And a card.  And I'm driving you guys!  

Moi: True, true.  Hm, back to Lisa, I guess.  

(Meanwhile, Nancy is sitting in between the two, completely unscathed.  And didn't even need to bring a gift.  Because she's perfect as is.  Seriously, you try making fun of Nancy.  It's not possible)

Monday, March 02, 2015

Fear Not


I'm fairly certain that if one was to word-cloud this blog, there's be large, stratus cloud in the shape of Whitecastle.  I spoke to him for our semi-annual check up today and he offered this gem regarding my upcoming (very soon!) defense:

Whitecastle: If you fail, you shouldn't feel bad.  It's a poor reflection on your advisor and not you.

The tone he was shooting for was "encouraging."  Then again, Advisor Who's encouragement of the day was an email titled "how's it going!?"  Between the two of them, Whitecastle almost looks paternal.  

When I grow up, I would like a mentor with human feelings.