Jesse was in town for a conference yesterday, so we met up for lunch. Because we graduated from the same program and our fields overlap slightly, meeting Jesse at the conference hotel meant quizzical looks from colleagues/acquaintances who were confused by my presence and why I was wearing jeans.
Instead of taking Jesse to any proper B'More institutions, I had a hankering for 5 Guys, so we had greasy burgers and far too many fries. Many cannibalism jokes ensued. Followed by pertussis jokes. And Malcolm Gladwell jokes. In fact, the whole lunch can be summed simply as: laughter. (We kept trying to organize our conversations for easy summary so Jesse could report the whole encounter back to Lisa in Boston. There's a longer 7-point outline I won't bore you with.) Though I suppose laughter is expected from the same harebrained team that brought you: Pitting Students Against Each Other to Make Grading More Fun. (spoiler alert: it did)
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(scheduling a meeting with Advisor Who)
Moi: Instead of 1pm, could we make it 1:05? So I can steal a cookie [from the lunch time seminar] ahead of our meeting.
Who: Or, you could go to the seminar [series that I run] so you'd actually be entitled to the cookie.
Moi: Touche.