It's hard to choose a favorite picture from this morning's kinetic sculpture race (waterfront edition). Weird and Charming Weekend in the city continued this morning, with a visit to the kinetic sculpture race, where we saw Harry Potter, Angry Bird, the Alice in Wonderland caterpillar, a platypus, a tank, a dinosaur, 2 Flintstone sets, 2 crabs, and lots of other randomness. It was a perfectly sunny and funny Saturday morning, made all the more wonderful by how friendly everyone here is. We cheered for every float that passed and yelled helpful tips along the way (watch out for the log, veer left, be careful of the wind) and cheered all the more when they made their turn and got back on land. Laid back, goofy, and requiring a lot of engineering and navigational skills (not to mention physical endurance), this race is the exact opposite of playing Bananagrams for me, and thus the exact type of non-competitive race that I would both be terrible at and be very upset that people weren't more competitive.
In the end, Gene, Carrie, Michelle and I got tired and hungry and traded getting good tacos and juices in favor of watching the rest of the race finish on land and mud. Even as I type, there's a little fair going on outside my apartment (I've got my headphones on because I can't listen to the traffic cop's whistles for another minute). Summer has arrived in B'more in full force, and it's going to be one random activity after another until the leaves start falling.