I write awesome thank you cards. It's one of my best skills. Unfortunately, my poor mastery of other skills means that cards often don't meet their intended audience. Skills like "holding onto the card," "finding a stamp," "addressing the envelope," and "putting card into mail slot." These are all skills that I have failed at in the past two weeks. I did, however, manage to hand deliver a thank you note to Advisor Who.
Who: The US Postal Service could have really used your postage.
I'm not convinced that he read the whole card (he read it in front of me), but he did like it enough to put it on his magnetic cabinets. Which means that this card fared better than the 2-3 that preceded it. My biggest achievement, however, was when he took down the pictures of his sons to make room.
He probably had enough magnets to fit all these things (other things on the cabinet: baby pictures of his boys, drawing by his son, and my postcard-thank-you-card). But he was suddenly dismissive of his children, took them down, and tossed them on his desk-- a fate that surely, my card will face one day soon. But for now, the score is
Moi: 1 Offsprings: 0