For one of my relatively new research projects (in which I predict when you will die), I am working on a group with both Advisor Who and Professor Fudge. Mostly Professor Fudge. I catch a glimpse of Advisor Who once every 12-16 days. Whenever I do, he assures me that he is working hard on the project. I am never convinced.
Professor Fudge is mild mannered, understanding, and takes himself absolutely seriously. In short, he's the opposite of every mentor I have ever had (especially one whose name starts with W and ends in Hitecastle). Working with him has been absolutely encouraging and bewildering at once.
Today, our meeting ended with me in tears. I have left many offices in tears, but never because I was sad. Today was no exception. It's my stupid dry eyes. Like (really inaccurate) clockwork, my eyes dry up in the late afternoon/early evening daily and I have a little cry. Unfortunately, the cry today came moments after we discovered that I messed up my analysis and would have to redo a couple of days of work.
With any other professor, it would've been "too bad, suck it up, bring me the new results and we'll go from there." Not Fudge. He felt bad. He told me a really long story about how these professional survey people at a prominent university messed up their analysis. And it was sometime during this story that my eyes started tearing up.
With any other professor, I would've made a joke and that would've been that. Not Fudge. When I told Fudge my eyes were dry, it just sounded like I was covering up. Being the earnest man that he is, he felt even worse. He told me that mistakes were a part of the process. The meeting ended as all our meetings do: awkward, and with me breaking into a near run.
Reader, I've never had a mentor who did not put me down. Now in 20th grade, I don't know if I'm ready for one.