They say these are the best (Scottish)(Public Health)(academic) years of my life...
Monday, May 31, 2010
Property of Matter
I've got [very little sleep but can't seem to sleep in] + [a captivating book (The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks)] + [new headphones that make me want to re-listen to every song in my pathetic collection] + [sun shining on the couch] + [freshly baked focaccia]. Why would anyone ever want to move?
Plus, my appetites for eating and cooking have returned (the former never quite left). My spinach dip disappointed last night, but swapping goods with frmAmy (not to be confused with me) did not. Now, I want to make a nice roast chicken sandwich and eat a Chinese banquet. But will probably settle for burnt burgers for the day.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Red Bean Soup
Staying at home meant that I had to catch an early train this morning to get in town for Meli's baptism. I would've had just enough time to go home, change into fancier clothes and shoes, wipe the train grime off my face, and hop right back on the bus had there not been a half marathon that derailed all my plans. Instead, I did what I do best:
Moi: Just a heads up that since I don't have time to go home, I'll be in jeans and carrying a giant backpack when I come to church.
Ashley: I wouldn't expect any less.
(I'd shown up to her graduation with a giant backpack-- full of my shoes and work stuff-- to everyone's confusion: "What's in there... homework?")
Moi: And since I have 40 minutes to kill, I'm wandering the streets of Chinatown.
Ashley: Isn't that what you always do?
Indeed. Indeed. I was there so early that quite a few street sleepers were still in slumber.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Dream Jobs
2. Interpreter for major league baseball player
3. Quality control for Cheetos. According to Wired: "... every hour hours, a four-person panel convenes to inspect and taste the snacks, comparing them to perfect reference Cheetos sent from Frito-Lay headquarters." I don't care about ice cream or chocolate, I want to taste a perfect Cheeto.
Wouldn't It Be Nice
(discussing the internship)
Moi: They're all really nice.
Whitecastle (scoffs): Of course they are. They want to save the world.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Species on Species Abuse
A. Sister Claire is awesome.
B. There's also someone awesome at my internship. Or deranged. It's not clear. On the paper towel dispensers in the bathroom are hand written signs, written on paper towel, with pictures of trees, that reminds people (written from the POV of a paper towel) that towels come from trees so we should not be wasteful. When I first saw the signs yesterday, I thought it was ridiculous that they would be written on paper towels. Until I looked closer this morning and realized that someone else also felt that way, and had written below one of the signs, "Thank you for sacrificing your life to save your brethren!"
C. Eating through a packet of Pocky sticks right now and enjoying myself for it.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Catching Up
Making Assumptions
Amy: Horses and mules make donkeys, and donkeys-
Moi: No, no, you've got it mixed up.
Amy: Oh right, that's because-
(fists instinctively clenched and raised)
Amy et Moi: (chanting halfheartedly, but in unison) Mules are sterile. Colby sucks.
Laura: Wow. Fist pumps, really?
Friday, May 21, 2010
Talk to Your Father Today
Moi: Do you take Zyrtec or Benadryl?
Father: Neither, it starts with a 'V'.
Moi: Claritin?
Father: No. V-something.
Moi: There're no allergy meds that start with a 'v' and you're not on Viagra.
Father: That's the word! It's not Viagra but it's something similar. It's always on TV.
(did I mention that I'm standing in CVS when I'm having this conversation?)
Moi: (mental image of 2 old people in bath tubs overlooking a cliff) It's NOT Zyrtec or Benadryl? Not Claritin? Not Viagra. Please don't say Cialis... Allegra?
Father: That's it. Allegra.
Moi: Oh, thank God.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
The Say Ah Kid, Update
After I'd seen Doc Query and the school nurse. I stuck around work for a couple of hours until it was no longer possible to elevate and cold compress my leg in a manner befitting the work place (it was hard enough finding a modest skirt today-- skirts were not designed for people to lift their calves for physician supervisors to inspect). When I announced that I was heading home, Whitecastle became uncharacteristically concerned and volunteered his clinical services. Once again, the sheer size and gnarliness of the bite impressed him, as it had everyone I've seen. He suggested that I ignore the nurse and get my hands on some drugs. It's always encouraging when doctors do that. Finally, for kicks, I consulted Nurse Ashley to round out the conflicting advice. (and waiting for the bus got boring) She mostly sided with Whitecastle, except for those times she paused to laugh at me. Final degrees count: 4 clinicians-- 2 MDs, 2 NPs, 2 MPHs, 1 JD, and 1PhD.
The Say Ah Kid
Moi: I don't have an appointment, but I have an allergic reaction.
Nurse Aide/Secretary I: (looking unimpressed) You think you're having allergic reactions?
Nurse Aide/Secretary II: (skeptical) What kind of reaction?
Moi: This. (stick out my leg)
Nurse Aide/Secretary I: (alarm and repulsion) Come sit here. Let me see that. You can see a nurse practitioner in 30 minutes.
Nurse Aide/Secretary II: (more alarm and repulsion) I think this is the third case we've had this week.
Moi: Glad I can contribute to the trend.
Nurse Aide/Secretary I: No, no, that's not a good thing.
Monday, May 17, 2010
So I Says
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The One with the Adorable Doctor from India
Shawn (boy): No matter how many episodes of Friends and Sex and the City you watch, it just doesn't prepare you for life in the United States.
I dare you to have a more precious quote of the day. Bring it on.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Saturday, May 08, 2010
Filial Priority
Mother: If you fail a class, you can always retake it. But you only have one mother.
Friday, May 07, 2010
*Or, I was 4th author out of 7 and mainly tried to make figures to Whitecastle's liking.
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Parental Discretion
That was when I heard this story.
Father: ... there was an incident toward the end of the trip. We got stomach flu and couldn't go on the exploration.
Moi: Explore what?
Father: The Shanghai explore. The biggest thing in-
Moi: The Expo?
Father: Yes. Ex-po. We got sick. It was probably from this Tibetan tea that cost 100,000 RMB.
Moi: How were you drinking such expensive tea? (~$15K USD)?
Moi: And that made you sick?
Father: It's a little complicated. I'll tell you more when I get home.
Based on the hesitation in his voice, I'm guessing some 'shrooms were involved, too.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Building My Church
I had been for weeks. I brought rocks to school for a science unit one day in 1st or 2nd grade and never took them out. Because Wee Me liked rocks. And enjoyed having them with me. I never said that Wee Me was smart (but I was, I really was). Picking up my backpack this morning (nickname: Yasu, after my bag twin*), it felt like I'd been hoarding rocks. I even checked. But all I found inside were grad student things like real notebooks and notebook computers. In 10 days, this, too, will be off of my back (for the summer).
Keep'em coming, School. I've been training for this since 2nd grade.
*For months, I thought that Yasu, an (unintentionally) hilarious PowerPoint whiz kid in my cohort, had the same backpack as I do. This fact made me feel much better about ditching my way-cooler green Puma pack. It now appears that I may have mixed up my Japanese classmates and my twin is someone less exciting. Jury is still out though, I have a hard time telling these people apart.
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Weekend Menu
Close behind that was the sauce I made for my bread pudding. The recipe that I loosely followed (perhaps 'consulted' is a closer word) called for whiskey. I didn't have whiskey. I had Bailey's. And it turned out wonderfully buttery and fragrant. Like butterscotch for grown ups.