Friday, August 18, 2017

Should Old Acquaintance

This weekend is a special weekend because I get to have not one, but three, throwback visitors from Baltimore staying at my place.  Jesse is here for Gen-Con, a large gathering of board game nerds from all over the nation, while Jamie and Greg are here because they are good friends who like to humor Jesse (and visit me!).

Though I haven't seen these guys in months-- in fact, it's been almost a year since I've seen Jamie, we soon fell into old patterns and habits.  And some patterns and habits are best left in the past and out of my one-bedroom apartment. 

Jesse: [burps loudly in succession]

Moi: Um.  Remember how I'm a woman?  And you want to pretend to be polite in front of me?

Jesse: We are too far gone.  It's too late for such things.

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