Saturday, August 12, 2017

Pizza Party

For the last two months, summer interns have been swarming around the office.  I even got to have one of my own.  It made me feel very grown up.  Though I suppose grown ups are not supposed to feel as utterly unprepared and clueless as I felt "supervising" my student.  To thank her for all her efforts, I took her out to a light dinner on Thursday along with a couple of tremendous research coordinators we have.

I thought that was pretty good as far as nice supervisors go.  But Paige took it to another level.  First she designed a birthday scavenger hunt for her student.  And yesterday, her student got a sendoff pizza party that exposed certain deficiencies in our staff knowledge:

[Kathleen, on her upcoming second wedding anniversary]

Kathleen: My anniversary is either the 24th or 25th... I don't remember.

Nina: This is understandable because you've been married so long.

Kathleen: For some reason, dates above 10, I just can't remember.  I told my husband that when we were picking a date.

Moi: Wait.  Do you know when Christmas is?

Paige: I can never figure it out!  Is it 24th, 25th, or 26th?

Kathleen: I know Christmas is the 25th.

Paige: Oh good.  It was the middle one.

Everyone else: [Stunned hysterics]

I don't mind being upstaged on being nice to my summer student in a setting like this.  Junk food and inane logic is the exact kind of place where I thrive.

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