Monday, May 31, 2010

Property of Matter

Nik will probably get mad at me when she reads this later. It's a gorgeous day outside. The last day of a long weekend. I should be calling up my friends. And probably will in a few. But right now, I just want to sit before my desk.

I've got [very little sleep but can't seem to sleep in] + [a captivating book (The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks)] + [new headphones that make me want to re-listen to every song in my pathetic collection] + [sun shining on the couch] + [freshly baked focaccia]. Why would anyone ever want to move?

Plus, my appetites for eating and cooking have returned (the former never quite left). My spinach dip disappointed last night, but swapping goods with frmAmy (not to be confused with me) did not. Now, I want to make a nice roast chicken sandwich and eat a Chinese banquet. But will probably settle for burnt burgers for the day.

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