Saturday, March 06, 2010

Lost Time

This past week, I subsisted mainly on free pizza, cheese, crackers, trail mix, (as I write this, this kid outside just fell on his bike and is shrieking and shaking his elbow up and down-- so dramatic, reminds me of a young Dwight), instant noodles and dumpling soup. When I did spend money on food, it was Thursday night, when I devoured an entire chicken in my hunger (it was a plate of chicken fingers, but the place did them weird so they came in giant steaks). I foresee the upcoming finals week to be just as pitiful, so I've started cooking in preparation.

Last night, I made alternative chicken nuggets. Though the recipe had a fancier, Spanish name. The best compliment I've ever received on this is that it tastes like Chick-fil-a. And look, fresh fruit and vegetables for the first time since Wednesday.

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This morning, stuffed French toast. The powdered sugar was spread almost perfectly until I knocked the bag and giant clumps fell out. And the picture is terrible regardless (watch how I care) but I get to eat this. And that's not terrible or ugly.

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