Friday, January 29, 2010

Potent Quotables

By the end of May, I would have taken 15 classes in my first year at school. It was easy at the Bo', the days of the Band Man and Riles and Walty, but coming up with 15 nicknames a year is hard. I'm pretty proud of Prof. Rafa and Papa, but have no names for my current four thus far. Though I've discovered that every lecture can generally be categorized in one of three ways:

The self deprecating:

"Do we have any chalk? Of course not. Why would I? This is Harvard."

The me-deprecating:

"Nurses and medical technicians today have a starting salary of $60,000 with a bachelor degree, but you guys would be lucky to- well, you made a mistake."

And the ridiculous:

"When we were setting this definition at the WHO..."

"Eight countries have approached me to shape their health care reform."

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