Wednesday, July 01, 2009

This Office a-Rockin'

The Division office has 2 main doors.  A front door and a back door.  To walk through the front there and get to the RAs' desks, one must pass the Division secretary, our supervisor, and the Division manager.  Walking through the back door bypasses all these personalities, but requires a key.  This morning, coming back from our hush-hush one-hour-plus Young Bo' sendoff breakfast, we the RAs all decided it was best that we walk through the back door.  Except no one had a key.  A nose game quickly ensued and noble Jen volunteered to go through the front door for us as we waited for her by the back door.  As we were waiting, we spotted PhD Jen walking by the front door (she on the inside, we on the outside, just like that Sunday School song).  She passed us.  Turned around.  And let us in, beating RA Jen.  "How long have you been waiting there?"  "Um… not long."  "You guys know that we have 2 doors?"  "Oh yeah?  2 doors?" 

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