Friday, June 19, 2009

It's Inanimate

Congratulations to myself. My new toy is finally here. After six years, a new computer. (Thank you, parents, for raising me well and bribing academic achievements with material goods. I know where my self worth lies.) Now soliciting names for this little beast. More updates and photos to come shortly. In the meantime, our prayers are with Dakota the Computer, who may or may not be salvaged.

Father: This computer better last you through your doctorate.

Moi: Uh... I'm only in a Master's program. What if I don't go for the PhD?

Father: Then you'll never have another new computer.

1 comment:

Bri the Wi said...

Call it Mac, after my roommate.

"I'm turning Mac on."

"Damn it, Mac."

"I'm staring at Mac so I can Skype with Vannie."