Friday, February 23, 2018

A Chasing After the Wind

Mentor Boss has a Very Important Grant due in two weeks.  The grant affects the funding for our center.  He's not the only person working on it, but as the boss in "Mentor Boss," he takes certain responsibility for it.  As the deadline approaches, he still has a lot of writing left to do.  So much so that we've all been tacitly warned not to slow him down with frivolous emails (he loves a frivolous email).  Perhaps that's why I found him in his office late this afternoon, popping popcorn at his desk.  With his very own desktop popcorn maker.

Mentor Boss: It's a great snack, very healthy.

Moi: Isn't that because it's just air?  It never satisfies my hunger.

Mentor Boss: That's true.  It tastes like nothing.  But it's better than nothing.

Moi: This sounds bleak.

Mentor Boss: It is a bleak time.  It might be bright again in two weeks.  We'll see.

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