Wednesday, October 07, 2015

First Rule of Fight Club

You can share your secret sadness, and people would offer to pray for you.  You can share the harsh words you did or didn't mean to say, and someone would tell them they've done the same.  Our Tuesday night Bible study (newly termed 'Mount Awesome') is generally a safe space of acceptance and support, a place without judgment or wrong answers-- that is, until you answer an ice breaker in a way that breaks from the norm.

Last night's ice breaker was "shark vs. bear vs. eagle, who would you rather fight?"  (there was also a serious one, I promise)  A lot of people used terrible logic to justify their choices.  Esther, for example, chose to fight a bear because "bears are cute" yet because Esther is sweet and new, no one pointed out the absurdity of her choice.  But somehow when I shared my answer (bear, because the fight would probably be shortest and I'd die a death relatively quicker than fighting an eagle or shark), the whole group turned against me for my defeatist attitude.  Apparently it "wasn't what the question asked," and I was "taking the easy way out."  It was the most hostile reception* I'd ever received at a Bible study.  These people took animal fighting and hypotheticals so seriously (just kidding, PETA,  we love all of God's creatures!) that they expected me to give it my all in a fake fight, even if that means having my eyes and entrails slowly pecked out by a hypothetical eagle.  I guess that's the type of attitude one picks up from having a lifetime of hypothetical friends and hypothetical pets**.

*a thousand times more hostile than the general stink eye Livid Lisa usually sends my way

**never seen Lisa*** with another friend, pet, or family member

***not sure when this blog devolved into a Lisa burn book, but I like this new direction

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