Thursday, April 30, 2015

Signs of the Times

Living in this neighborhood for the last four years, even though I'm not always aware of the events going on ahead of time, I've learned to interpret my surroundings as I witness changed.

Trailers and lights, for example, mean that there's a TV or movie shoot nearby, most likely House of Cards.  Lots of tents means that it's time for Flower Mart.  And lately?  The sound of helicopters means that there's a protest passing by.  Or it's near curfew.  Or the police are acting out of "an abundance of caution."  

Actually, there are many reasons why helicopters now hover over my neighborhood lately (which they only do part time, there are other places where they spend a lot more time).  Divining what those reasons might be has become a new routine where I check Twitter and the local news to try to figure out why, exactly, helicopters are over head.  Such is what this week in this city has been like.

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