Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Soul Mates

The arrangements for my very short work trip to New York were up in the air until the very last minute. This made arranging plans very difficult. Luckily, Allison and Dillon were super flexible and rolled with it when I told them last minute that I may or may not be in the City and wasn't sure where I was staying. 

(after a great dinner with 4 appetizers, HGTV talk, and a discussion of our mutual distaste for Italian desserts)

Moi: I'm so glad that you guys were available. 

Allison: I'm comfortable admitting that we didn't have plans. 

Dillon: I don't feel bad about not having plans on a Tuesday night at all. Now if it was Saturday-

Allison: We probably wouldn't have plans either. 

Dillon: And we probably wouldn't feel bad, either. 

These are my kind of people. 

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