Sunday, February 08, 2015

Lonely Hearts Club

After church today, a few of us from small group went out to lunch.  In walking around, Jesse showed off an uncanny familiarity with the shops around the Inner Harbor.  I thought I knew the area well from countless walks home alone after church in my first year at Gallery, but he had me beat.  We all assumed Jesse just knew his way around the city until he let drop an explanation that made my day:    

Jesse:  Before I had any friends, this was where I'd come by myself after church.

Naturally, I started stomping excitedly when I heard this.

Moi: This was where I used to come after church before I had friends!  I would get a burger from Five Guys and walk home.  

(Crystal then shares an irrelevant story of eating double portions of take out alone not because she had no friends but because she is a misanthrope.)

It was such a simple, and sad shared moment that I still laugh every time I think about it hours later.  In an incredibly corny way, it made me appreciate the community I've finally found and developed at church.  In a much more real way, it just goes to prove that I only get cooler with age.  I have tons of friends now.  And legions of fans.    

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