Saturday, July 05, 2014

Best Friends for Life

Contrary to whatever objections Ilene might have had, Liz has a beautiful, lovable dog named Athena.  The dog is sweet, beautiful, and wonderfully tempered.  And brilliant for having a fondness for me.  I'm not the only one who likes Athena.  Plenty of Liz's friends do.  And allegiance to her leads them to do crazy things.

Alene: I want to steal her and take her home.  

Brian: I will come hunt you down if you do that.

Alene: I will fight for her.  

[Let's pause for a second here so I can properly set the scene.  Brian does not own Athena.  Neither does Alene.  Speaking of Alene- she is one of the sweetest person I have ever met, almost freakishly so.  She is considerate to a fault, anti-violence, anti-guns, anti-oppression, and will often feel bad at even the thought of someone else's feelings being hurt.  She is also a good foot smaller than Brian.]

Brian: If you fight me, you will die.

Alene (truly giddy as she figures out these consequences): Then you'll spend your life in jail.  And Peter (Alene's husband) will get to have the dog!  That's perfect.

Moi: Except that you're dead, he's in jail, and Peter, who doesn't want a dog, will have Athena.  This is far from ideal.

Alene: Oh, we will go into witness protection with Athena then you won't be able to find us.

Brian: I don't think you understand how crime works.  You can't go into witness protection for stealing the dog.  You're the bad guy.


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