Monday, June 16, 2014


(can you tell that vacation is winding down and I'm trying to avoid work as best as I can?)

It did not surprise me at all to find out last week that Who is an older brother.  The ignoring of emails, jokes at my expense, sudden thoughtfulness when he remembers that I exist-- these are all traits I am familiar with because of my own big brother.  Who even made a t-shirt for his little sister branding her as Who's Sister, which is the type of thing my brother would totally have done if only he cared enough.  This discovery came at the end of a long and Who-intensive (and Liz intensive! which was wonderful) day at the student conference on health services research (the 'baby conference' that precedes the real thing), which culminated with me being cornered/persuaded/coerced to organize a dinner for my Hopkins friends which Who then invited himself to and paid for.  All the while thanking us for inviting him.  The organization process was unnecessarily long, made all the more difficult by hunger, fatigue, and relying on Twitter direct message as my only means of communication with Who (y'know, Twitter direct message, that super widespread and convenient conversation tool we all use to schedule things).  We lost Susan and Rachael, separately, because neither wanted to expose their friends to Who.  So they paid for their own dinner and drinks like schmucks.

Life is full of tradeoffs we all must make, and learning about my advisor's 80s cutoff shorts is one I'm willing to pay if it means beers and tacos with my friends (Ilene included).

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