Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Strange Bedfellows

After 11 nights away, spent in 7 different beds and 1 airplane seat, I'm finally back to my own bed tonight. I am literally counting down the minutes until I can go to bed. I would blame it on jet lag, but if that were true, I should be wide awake now. Instead, I blame it on the red eye that produced very little sleep, though it did lead to a wonderful chance encounter with my Chem 109 professor from the Bo'. Some days, I have trouble recognizing people I just spent a meal with, and other days, I have no trouble recognizing long ago chem professors. Perhaps it helped that he gave me the lowest grade I've ever gotten on a report card. 

Being in the airport so often the last week also brought along this gem:

This is a little girl who kept tripping over her leash because her mother was standing still (to find their boarding passes) while she could not. She was friendly (which led her to keep accidentally knocking people's luggage over), adorable, and delighted me to no end by getting all wrapped around on the leash. And giving up walking and falling to crawl on all fours. We all have those days, kid. 

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