Monday, May 28, 2012

Bloods and LYF

This conversation happened in December, but I just thought of it today and it made me laugh.  I had a lot of time to think today because I spent much of it in suburbia, going from mall to plaza to mall, buying and returning things with Mother.  I lost most of my soul in those car rides.

(we're looking through old youth group pictures for Stephanie's shower and come upon one in which Lillian and Steph are both in baggy boy basketball shorts, pretending to look tough)

Moi: Do you remember what this was for?

Lillian: I think it was a dress up thing for a theme activity...

Moi: (look that says, "I can clearly see that)

Lillian: It was probably "gangster day?"

"Gangster day" was not a youth group sanctioned activity.

This recollection in turn, reminded me of when I visited Ash in Korea and we were perplexed by a concert video in which the guys in the group all wagged giant foam fingers around.  Finally, a Korean speaker, in the form of Wilson, showed up for Bible study early and we asked him to interpret.

Wilson: I think the gestures have something to do with the lyrics.

Ash et Moi: (the exact same looks I gave Lillian)

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