Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Not So Painless

It used to be so easy.  When Vita-K and I got stressed out at the Bo', we'd look longingly at the cars passing through the college perimeters and think, "if I get hit by one of these cars and break my arm, I probably won't have to take this exam for another few days.  I might even get a few extensions."

These days, I know that my chances of getting hit at the Bo' would be slim, what with the cautious drivers, good road design and safety features.  Plus, the odds were against me along.  The cars weren't speeding and I was neither intoxicated, nor walking between 2-4am. 

Five years out of the Bo' and still in school, this is how we discuss our work load now:

Moi: These classes make me want to shoot myself.  Except that that's irresponsible gun use and I don't even have a license for one.  Hanging seems painful but so few people succeed with pills. (literally going down the CDC's leading causes of suicides in my head as I say this)

Amber (she's Australian, and thus familiar with crime and death): I've heard poison is pretty effective.  No idea where one could access that though.  You wouldn't want to get it wrong.

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