Wednesday, January 19, 2011

[Insert Title]

A bus went by the office today and Edith threw me under it. OK. She may have not meant to but I took her comments one way and before you know it, I was making fun of Herr Doctor Whitecastle (as I do). But he was not amused. His lack of amusement was also not amusing. So I offered up a story of how my aunt thought I was intellectually disabled as a conciliatory gift. He smiled.

(Speaking of disabled, I've had to read this one paper for work several times in the last and whenever I came upon the word 'disability,' I'd freeze and have to re-read it several times before my brain kicks in that it's not disease-ability.)

(counting the number of people in the office after Friday's delayed-start morning)

Whitecastle: Did you count her? She's short, but that should at least count as a half.

Moi: I'm at least 3 quarters of a person.

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