Thursday, June 17, 2010

Planned Internship

Sometimes, Boys and Girls, you plan for things but things do not happen according to plan.  This is a story about one of those times.


I had planned on taking the day off on Thursday.  But then Internship One Third Supervisor asked to check in on Thursday morning.  Not a problem.  We scheduled the meeting for 9:15am.  I'm in, I'm out, I'm off making Guinness cake.  Yesterday, meeting got postponed to 10:00am.  Not a problem.  I'm in, I work a little longer, I meet with Supervisor and Collaborator, I'm out, and I'm off making cinnamon rolls.


10:00am rolls around.  Empty office.  10:10am.  10:15am.  I shoot a quick email to Phantom Supervisor.  Apparently, she left me off of an email chain.  In which she explained that she couldn't come to work this morning.  To which Collaborator replied that he'd meet with me, but was running late.


Change of plans, yes, but I'm adaptable.  I'm in, I work a little more, I meet with Collaborator, I'm out, and I'm not sure what I'm making.  But now that I have time to kill, I dig around Collaborator's organization blog.  I find a post about the 2 reports we're meeting about, the 2 reports that I'd been summarizing in preparation for a blog post.  That's funny because it's what I'd been preparing for the last 2 weeks, what we're supposed to meet about, and what I was supposed to work on writing next week if the meeting went well— all completed and on the website.  As of a week ago.  And here I am, sitting in the office, wearing my best confused face.  I'm in, and I'm hungry for sticky buns.

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