Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Building My Church

When I was wee, I was very wee. My red Snoopy backpack often looked like it could eat me. That I was capable of carrying so much weight always marveled Mother. One day, she lifted my bag off of my back and exclaimed, "what did you put in here, rocks?" And discovered that indeed, I had.

I had been for weeks. I brought rocks to school for a science unit one day in 1st or 2nd grade and never took them out. Because Wee Me liked rocks. And enjoyed having them with me. I never said that Wee Me was smart (but I was, I really was). Picking up my backpack this morning (nickname: Yasu, after my bag twin*), it felt like I'd been hoarding rocks. I even checked. But all I found inside were grad student things like real notebooks and notebook computers. In 10 days, this, too, will be off of my back (for the summer).

Keep'em coming, School. I've been training for this since 2nd grade.

*For months, I thought that Yasu, an (unintentionally) hilarious PowerPoint whiz kid in my cohort, had the same backpack as I do. This fact made me feel much better about ditching my way-cooler green Puma pack. It now appears that I may have mixed up my Japanese classmates and my twin is someone less exciting. Jury is still out though, I have a hard time telling these people apart.

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