Friday, April 02, 2010

Begive and Beget

Are you or anyone you know expecting a child? If so, I could use your help.

Someone named their baby after Grant today. Sure, it was only a middle name, but that's farther than I've come. Baby Aaon Coppley, you break my heart. As do Joyce and Elise (not to be confused with Lenny)-- always close, but never enough. To stack the cards further against me (isn't it bad enough that he's so tall?) Grant's going to have exclusive access to babies in the near future (he's not creepy, he's just being a doctor). And the Ozolins offspring is already spoken for. It's not that even that I'd like to beat Grant, but I need to win this. So start getting busy, folks.

Young Bo': I've never had anyone named after me. But I've been named after someone.

Moi: That doesn't count. And I don't even have that.

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