Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Life after Twenty

If I had a nickel for every person I've told this story to, I might be able to buy a stamp.  But I like this story. 

I felt sore this morning.  And yesterday, yoo.  I have a sneaking suspicion it all has to do with Sunday.   I was sitting on the couch on Sunday, minding my own business, reading Prof BSketch's book "for pleasure" (worst idea ever) and trying to 'sabbath,' when I caught an exercise program on PBS.  That should have been the tip off.  But I figured, hey, what's a little light exercise from PBS?  So, I followed along with the program.  I even sweated.  The random man-in-lab-coat who popped up every few minutes to talk about bones and fiber also should have been a tip-off.  But it wasn't.  Until 15 minutes later, when I found out the name of the program.  Firming after Fifty.

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