Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fried. Over. Easy.

I remember a time when finals were spread out over a week following 2 days of reading period (or freaking Eddie Burt where we had 3 weeks of 'reading period') and we'd complain if we'd had 2 finals on one day. Perhaps you don't remember this. The Bo' was a very different place. Where they gave us goody bags with flu shots and popcorn packages during finals (You should have heard the obsequious raves about the 2 hours of free smoothies we had this week, You would've thought they they'd killed a heifer for each of us). This week, I had 4 finals within a 26 hour period.

Ba: I'll pray for your exam.

Moi: (feeling guilty because I hadn't studied-- I'd given up on my pass/fail class) Just pray that I pass.

Ba: What? I'll pray you do really well.

Moi: I'm just taking the class pass fail. I need maybe a C.

Ba: It's OK. I'll still pray that you get an A.

Thanks, Baba. At least someone is trying.

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