Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lazy Tuesday

A lot happened yesterday. I sat in a professor's empty office and called her cell phone from her office phone. That was a little weird. She let me know that my paper was in the wrong direction. That wasn't weird, but it wasn't cool. A bunch of us had lunch off campus and it was pretty much the happiest school day lunch anyone has ever had. I mean, I used to love third Mondays in 4th grade when we had tater tots and hot dogs with chicken noodle soup, but this was yellow tail and sweet potatoes and shrimp tempura maki plus soup, salad (good one, too), and dessert, and talking with like minded funny people about gender and rights on an unusually sunny January day all for under $15. I mean, sure, I should have spent that time doing readings, rewriting my paper, and working in the office, but I say, bygones. The day went on fast forward after that until I got home and the pace slowed just enough for me to pull a meatloaf out of the oven, bake some potato chips, brownies and a chicken. But that's all in the past now. Today, there is snow outside and I'm inside making chicken soup, doing readings, and content that the week is mostly over.

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