Sunday, November 01, 2009

Staff of Life

For years now, Grace Fellowship's salty cracker and white grape juice combo has been my communion service of choice: tasty crunch with just the right touch of sacrilegious (though not as funny as North Harbor's Challah baby), hygienic (no backwash a la P&G), and easy for newcomers to figure out. I've always found two things daunting about visiting new churches: Sunday School and communion. While hymns and creeds are easy to mumble through, every church does Sunday School and communions differently. This morning, after a year of attendance, I discovered that Park Street has 2 distinct communion routines for morning and evening services. Naturally, I went through an internal WTH, church? meltdown while trying to act cool externally and tried to catch glimpses of my neighbors' movements while pretending to be in deep reflection like everyone else. Not cool, G. Not cool. But in the end, the man next to me passed the plate and I picked up the bread like a pro-- bread that turned out to be tiny shortbread squares and much better than what's served the evening service. Unorthodox, yes, but buttery delicious, and, much like Jesus, heart of my own heart, infinitely good.

To recap: Savory crackers out. Shortbread in. What's your favorite communion set up?

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