Friday, November 06, 2009

Call Him Ahab

Every once in awhile, we get a gem of an econ class and Prof. Papa goes off rantingin a well planned, predetermined manner. Today was such a class.

On economic incentives:

"... it's like whaling. If you don't kill them, someone will, kill them fast, kill them now, let's get rid of them."

On public health initiatives:

"Other than 'oh, we like children,' why do we need immunization?"

On jobs in public health:

"All I'm saying is, from the supply and demand side, good luck."

More on saving children:

"If we get paid depending on how many lives we control, then we should really be paying school traffic controllers, or else a truck will come and they'll be all, "come on, come on, it's safe."

And if economists sound callous...:

"Most people don't like to talk about buying people, so let's talk about robots."

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