Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Super Sugar

Once again, my title is a reference to an inside joke between me and myself (a handful of people may remember, but you're probably not one of them).

I have been experimenting with pork and beans of all different flavors and consistencies this past year (cannellini with rosemary, sweet and spicy with black beans, etc.) and by golly, I've gotten it better than right this time. It doesn't even matter that the picture is dreadful. That you can't tell that the pork was roasted with onions, oregano and garlic, that there's bacon and Coca-Cola in there, because you can't eat this anyway. There's no way I'm sharing this with anyone. Not even Landlady Chang.

[One day, Kiefer may come upon this post at this site and we may either laugh about this or share a very awkward silence. My instincts say it'll be the first because Kiefer is so bitingly funny and laughs so easily, but I'm pulling for the comedy of the latter. Whilst gathering intel on a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend today, Kiefer reported that a kid as "a super Christian" "with a blog." And made the most disdainful face to both counts. I had to break it to her that I, too, was a Christian, ("But are you a super Christian? I'd been meaning to meet on of you!") but didn't have the heart to tell her that I also kept a blog. One skeleton at a time. One skeleton at a time.]
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